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Management-Intensive Rotational Grazing

Management-Intensive Rotational Grazing (MiRG) is a flexible approach to grazing where the paddock size, stocking density, and pasture rest periods are continuously adjusted to address the animal's nutrient demand and the forage supply as they change throughout the year. Using temporary electric fence, the herd is given only one day's worth of pasture at a time. They will graze the forage in that paddock while the remainder of the farm is at rest. This allows for the individual grass and legume plants to have an optimal recovery period before they are grazed again. We have no use for deworming chemicals because our cattle are not in one place long enough to allow the parasite populations to build up. We also have no use for synthetic fertilizers; MiRG provides even distribution of nutrient-dense manure around our pastures. 

grass fed beef cows on pasture

© 2025 by Kingbird Cattle.

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